Jetting In Injection Molding: Causes, Identification, and Solutions
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Jetting In Injection Molding: Causes, Identification, and Solutions

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Injection molding is a fascinating process that creates countless plastic parts. But what happens when things go wrong? One common issue is jetting, a defect that looks like "worm tracks" on your parts.

Jetting not only affects the appearance but also weakens the part. Fixing this issue is crucial for both quality and efficiency.

In this post, you'll learn about the causes of jetting, how to identify it, and ways to prevent it in your injection molding process.

What is Jetting in Injection Molding?

Detailed Explanation of Jetting Defect

Jetting is a common injection molding defect. It happens when the melted plastic, called "melt," is injected into the mold cavity too quickly. The plastic doesn't flow smoothly and instead forms a snake-like pattern. This pattern is often called "worm tracks."

Jetting occurs because the melt doesn't make immediate contact with the mold walls. Instead, it sprays into the cavity, cooling unevenly. This causes a significant issue as the different flow fronts don't fuse properly.

Visual Appearance of Jetting on Molded Parts

Jetting is easy to spot. It looks like squiggly lines or serpentine patterns on the surface of plastic parts. These flow marks are distinct and can be seen with the naked eye. The patterns resemble the trails left by worms or snails.

Examples of Jetting Patterns:

  • Serpentine Lines: These wavy lines indicate uneven plastic flow.

  • Worm Tracks: These patterns show where the melt cooled unevenly.

How Jetting Affects Part Aesthetics and Structural Integrity

Jetting impacts both the appearance and strength of molded parts. It makes the surface look flawed and unprofessional. More critically, it weakens the part.

Aesthetic Issues:

  • Visible flow marks disrupt the surface finish.

  • The part may look defective or poorly manufactured.

Impact of Jetting on Part Performance

Jetting affects the mechanical properties of the part. The areas with jetting are weaker and more likely to fail under stress.

Weakened Mechanical Properties:

  • Reduced Strength: The part can't handle as much stress.

  • Decreased Durability: The part wears out faster.

Potential for Part Failure:

  • Jetting areas are more likely to break or crack.

  • Parts may fail under load or pressure.

Inconsistent Dimensions and Tolerances:

  • Jetting causes parts to be off-spec.

  • Parts may not fit together properly, leading to assembly issues.

Causes of Jetting in Injection Molded Parts

Improper Gate Placement or Design

One common cause of jetting defects in injection molding is improper gate placement or design. When the gate faces directly into the cavity center, it creates a high-speed jet of molten plastic. This jet doesn't flow smoothly and causes surface defects.

If the gate is too far from the mold wall, the melt doesn't get a chance to slow down and spread out. This results in a turbulent flow, leading to flow marks. Proper gate design and placement are crucial to ensure the plastic flows evenly into the mold cavity.

Key Points:

  • Gate facing directly into cavity center: Causes high-speed jets.

  • Gate too far from mold wall: Leads to turbulent flow.

Excessive Injection Speed

High injection speed is another major factor causing jetting. When the melt stream moves too quickly, it becomes turbulent. This turbulent flow creates jetting defects on the surface of the molded parts.

The speed at which the plastic is injected into the mold, known as injection velocity, influences the flow pattern significantly. High-speed injection can lead to uneven cooling and flow lines. Controlling the injection speed is essential to prevent these molding defects.

Technical Details:

  • High-velocity melt stream: Causes turbulent flow.

  • Speed influences flow patterns: High speed leads to uneven cooling.

Low Melt Temperature

Low melt temperature can also cause jetting. When the plastic melt cools too quickly, it doesn't form a proper flow front. This rapid cooling leads to jetting before the melt can fill the mold cavity evenly.

Both melt temperature and mold temperature play vital roles in preventing jetting. Improper temperature control can result in surface defects. Maintaining the right temperatures ensures smooth plastic flow and proper part formation.

Temperature Considerations:

  • Rapid cooling of the melt jet: Leads to jetting.

  • Role of melt and mold temperatures: Crucial for smooth flow.

  • Effects of improper cooling rates: Cause surface defects.

Material Viscosity Issues

Material viscosity is another critical factor in injection molding. If the viscosity is too high for the given processing conditions, the melt doesn't flow properly. High-viscosity materials can cause jetting defects as the plastic struggles to fill the mold cavity smoothly.

Choosing the right material and adjusting processing conditions can help in solving jetting issues. Lowering the viscosity of the resin or adjusting the injection parameters can improve flow and reduce defects.

Key Points:

  • High viscosity: Causes improper flow.

  • Adjusting processing conditions: Essential for smooth flow.

  • Material choice: Impacts flow behavior and jetting.

Identifying Jetting Defects in Molded Parts

Visual Inspection of Part Surface

Visual inspection is the first step in identifying jetting defects in injection molded parts. Look for surface defects like wavy or serpentine lines on the part surface. These flow marks are clear indicators of jetting.

Jetting often appears in areas where the plastic flow changes direction or encounters obstacles. Check around gate locations, sharp corners, and edges. These spots are prone to molding defects due to abrupt flow changes.

Signs to Look For:

  • Wavy lines: Serpentine patterns on the surface.

  • Flow marks: Visible lines where flow changed direction.

  • Common locations: Near gates, edges, and corners.

Tactile Inspection of the Affected Area

After visual inspection, perform a tactile inspection. Feel the surface of the molded part for any raised or uneven areas. Jetting can create a solidified jet that protrudes from the surface.

Running your fingers over the part helps identify subtle molding flaws that might not be visually obvious. Raised areas due to jetting can affect the part's functionality and fit.

Key Points:

  • Raised surface: Feel for protrusions on the part.

  • Uneven texture: Check for rough or inconsistent areas.

  • Solidified jet: Identifies where the plastic cooled unevenly.

Process Monitoring

Process monitoring is essential for predicting and identifying jetting during the injection molding process. Use process parameters like injection speed, melt temperature, and mold temperature to monitor and adjust conditions.

Keeping a close eye on these parameters helps in preventing jetting. If you notice unusual spikes or drops, it could indicate a developing jetting issue. Consistent monitoring ensures the plastic flows smoothly into the mold cavity.

Important Parameters:

  • Injection speed: High speeds can cause jetting.

  • Melt temperature: Maintain proper melt and barrel temperatures.

  • Mold temperature: Ensure the mold is adequately heated.

Using Process Parameters

Utilize process parameters to control and identify jetting defects. Adjust injection velocity to ensure the melt flows smoothly. Monitor cooling time to prevent the melt from solidifying too quickly.

Process parameters are your tools for controlling jetting. Fine-tuning these settings can help minimize defects and produce high-quality molded components.

Monitoring Techniques:

  • Flow rate: Adjust to maintain smooth melt flow.

  • Temperature control: Keep consistent melt and mold temperatures.

  • Injection pressure: Regulate to avoid turbulent flow.

By combining visual and tactile inspections with process monitoring, you can effectively identify and address jetting defects in your injection molding operations. This comprehensive approach ensures the production of high-quality plastic parts free from molding flaws.

Troubleshooting and Solving Jetting Issues

Adjusting Gate Design and Placement

Gate design and placement play a critical role in preventing jetting defects. Relocating the gate can help promote early melt contact with the mold wall, which smoothens the flow and reduces jetting. If the gate is too far from the mold wall, the plastic enters too fast and doesn't flow evenly.

Increasing the gate size helps by reducing the melt velocity. A larger gate allows the plastic to flow more slowly, preventing turbulent flow that causes jetting. Using different gate designs, such as fan, tab, or submarine gates, can also improve flow distribution and reduce surface defects.

Key Adjustments:

  • Relocating gate: Promotes early melt contact with mold wall.

  • Increasing gate size: Reduces melt velocity.

  • Using different gates: Fan, tab, or submarine gates for better flow.

Optimizing Injection Speed

Injection speed is another crucial factor. Reducing the speed helps maintain a consistent flow front, preventing jetting. High injection speeds cause the melt to move too fast, creating turbulence and flow marks.

Employing multi-stage injection allows better control over the flow rate. This technique adjusts the speed at different stages of the injection process, ensuring the melt fills the mold smoothly and evenly.

Speed Control:

  • Reducing injection speed: Maintains a consistent flow front.

  • Multi-stage injection: Provides better control over flow rate.

Improving Melt Temperature Control

Proper control of melt temperature is essential. Ensuring the correct barrel and nozzle temperatures helps maintain the plastic at the right consistency. If the temperature is too low, the plastic cools too quickly, causing jetting.

Adjusting the mold temperature is equally important. The mold should be warm enough to prevent rapid cooling of the melt. This allows the plastic to flow properly and fuse together without forming flow lines.

Temperature Adjustments:

  • Proper barrel and nozzle temperatures: Ensure consistent melt.

  • Adjusting mold temperature: Prevents rapid cooling.

Selecting Appropriate Material Grade

Choosing the right material grade can also help in solving jetting issues. Select a material with suitable flow properties that match the processing conditions. Some materials are more prone to jetting due to their high viscosity.

Consider using flow enhancers or modifiers to improve the material's flow characteristics. These additives can help the melt flow more smoothly, reducing the likelihood of jetting.

Material Selection:

  • Suitable flow properties: Match processing conditions.

  • Using flow enhancers: Improve material flow.

Summary of Jetting in Injection Molding

Jetting in injection molding creates snake-like patterns on parts. This defect affects both appearance and strength.

Early identification and troubleshooting are crucial. Use visual and tactile inspections to spot jetting. Monitoring process parameters helps in early detection.

Preventing jetting improves part quality and efficiency. Adjust gate design, control injection speed, and maintain proper temperatures. Choose materials with suitable flow properties.

At Team Mfg, we specialize in providing top-notch injection molding solutions for businesses of all sizes. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, our expert team is dedicated to delivering high-quality molds and efficient molding processes that meet your unique requirements.

Whether you're a small startup or a large corporation, we have the knowledge and resources to handle your project with precision and care. Our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technologies ensure that your products are manufactured to the highest standards of quality and performance.


Q: What are the most common causes of jetting in injection molding?
A: Improper gate placement or design, excessive injection speed, low melt temperature, and material viscosity issues are the most common causes of jetting.

Q: How can I visually identify jetting defects on molded parts?
A: Jetting defects appear as visible flow lines or "snake-like" patterns on the surface of the molded part, usually emanating from the gate area.

Q: What are the best solutions for preventing jetting in my injection molding process?
A: Optimize gate placement and design, control injection speed, maintain proper melt and mold temperatures, and select appropriate material viscosity to prevent jetting.

Q: Can jetting be completely eliminated in injection molding?
A: While jetting can be minimized through proper mold design, process optimization, and material selection, it may not be possible to eliminate it completely in all cases.

Q: How does material selection impact the likelihood of jetting occurring?
A: Materials with high viscosity or poor flow properties are more prone to jetting. Selecting a material with suitable flow characteristics can help reduce the likelihood of jetting.

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