Titanium Polishing in Industrial Applications

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Without the polished surface, titanium parts will look dull and unappealing aesthetically. It is where titanium polishing comes into place. Not only that, polishing titanium can also help improve various characteristics of the titanium components. It makes the titanium parts even better in overall quality.

Advantages of Titanium Polishing in Industrial Applications

Polishing titanium has plenty of benefits for various industries. So, it is much preferable to regular, non-polished titanium parts. Here are the advantages of titanium polishing in industrial applications:

• Improve Corrosion and Regular Wear Resistance.

The regular titanium material already has excellent corrosion and regular wear resistance, making it best for long-term use. Titanium polishing can significantly improve the rust and regular wear resistance of titanium. Minimizing normal wear and corrosion also means keeping the appearance of the titanium parts clean and polished.

• Improve Biocompatibility for the Titanium Parts by Titanium Polishing.

In medical applications, polished titanium can bring you the required biocompatibility feature. It ensures the safety of the polished titanium parts when used in conjunction with the human body. It also prevents any chemical or other undesirable reactions during medical uses.

• Improve the Look and Aesthetics for the Titanium Parts.

Non-polished titanium parts will look all rugged and not too aesthetic. When you polish the titanium parts, it can turn the look and aesthetics for it for the better. Polished titanium has long-lasting aesthetics that look smooth and shiny.

• Improve High-Temperature Resistance by Titanium Polishing.

Titanium parts can work at high temperatures with no problem. However, with polished titanium, you can raise the temperature cap and add more resistance to high temperatures for the titanium parts. It will allow you to place the polished titanium parts to work at extreme temperatures while maintaining their durability.

• Improve Strength and Durability by Titanium Polishing.

Polishing titanium goes way beyond making the titanium parts look amazing-looking. It can also add more substance inside the titanium components that will help improve their strength and durability. Polished titanium is also resistant to surface scratching.

Types of Titanium Polishing

There are different grades or levels of titanium polishes. Here are the types of titanium polishes you can get in rapid manufacturing.


• Rough.

Rough titanium polish is the cheapest polishing solution for titanium for any manufacturing application. It gives you a rough finish result on the titanium surface finish part, which is not too shiny and smooth. The rough titanium polishing will use titanium polish wax and silicon oxide mixed into the abrasive buffing wheel.

• Medium.

Medium titanium polish is a one-step upgrade from the rough titanium polish type. It uses a combination of titanium polish wax and aluminum oxide in a matte abrasive wheel to smoothen the titanium surface layer. As a result, you get a smoother finish product that is not too dull-looking, with medium quality for its aesthetics.

• Fine.

Fine titanium polish is the near-perfect type of titanium polish you can get in manufacturing. In this process, you need to exert more pressure during the titanium polishing operation. The wax polish and the uncombed soft-cotton buffing wheel are essential to create a fine polish surface for the titanium components.

• Mirror.

Mirror polish is the highest grade of titanium polish that can make the titanium part surface look reflective, like a mirror. For aesthetics, the mirror polish type for titanium is the best, making it suitable for you to use the parts outdoors. You can accomplish this mirror polish by using the soft combed-cotton buffing wheel and polished titanium wax.

Titanium Polishing Step-by-Step Process

Polishing titanium requires you to go through the degreasing, cleaning, sanding, buffing, and finishing process. Here are the detailed steps:


• Degreasing by Titanium Polishing.

Degreasing means removing oil residue from the titanium part surface, which you often get from previous manufacturing steps. For this purpose, you use the degreasing agents and spray them all over the titanium part surface. This process should remove the oil components from the surface. Next, get ready for the surface cleaning process.

• Cleaning.

The cleaning process of titanium parts is easy to do. Apply some cleansers like soap or glass cleaning solution and clean the degreased titanium parts while dipping them in a basket of water. Continue the cleaning process by rinsing the titanium parts over and over again. Next, you can dry the titanium parts and prepare them for sanding.

• Sanding.

Sanding requires you to use sandpaper and apply it to the surface area of the titanium components. Using lubricants is essential to smooth out the sanding process with the drilling machine. Go with various grades of sandpapers, from the roughest to the smoothest (200 grit to 2000 grit), to get the best result for the titanium polish.

• Buffing.

Buffing means applying polishing wax for the titanium parts using the buffing wheel. Depending on the polish type you want to achieve, you will need different types of buffing wheels and polish wax ingredients. Buffing will make the titanium surface look smooth and shiny.

• Finishing Process.

The finishing process includes perfecting the polished surface of titanium parts after buffing. Buffing might still leave some marks on the titanium surface, which you must conceal using a titanium paint polish solution. Applying the paint polish solution evenly on the marked surface area is a must if you want to make the surface polish of the titanium parts look perfect.

What is the importance of biocompatibility in titanium polishing parts?

In the medical industry, biocompatibility will make the titanium parts compatible and safe for the human body. Titanium polishing is essential for the titanium parts used in medical applications.

Do you need to worry about surface scratches for the mirror-type titanium polishing finish?

Mirror-type titanium finish is best for outdoor uses that require maximum aesthetics. It is also scratch-resistant and best for long-term use. So, you don't need to worry about scratching the surface of mirror-polish titanium.


You can use titanium polishing in various industrial applications to upgrade the quality and aesthetics of the titanium components. Titanium polishing takes several steps to complete. The steps are the same whether you want a rough or mirror finish for the titanium parts. Titanium polishing will also become a must-do step in some industrial applications.

TEAM MFG offfers titanium rapid prototyping, titanium CNC machining etc to meet your projects needs. Our customers ranges from automobile to medical industry. Contact us today to request a quote.

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