Common Types of Flow Marks in Injection Molding:Causes, Effects, and Solutions
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Common Types of Flow Marks in Injection Molding:Causes, Effects, and Solutions

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The injection molding process is intricate, involving plastic engineering materials, molds, injection machines, and various other factors. Defects in injection-molded products are unavoidable, making it crucial to understand the underlying causes, potential defect locations, and types of defects that may arise to effectively guide project development. In this discussion, we'll focus on a common visual defect—flow marks, sharing with you causes, effects and solutions.

Flow Marks in Injection Molding


Flow m

arks are characterized by visible wavy patterns or lines on the surface of a molded plastic part. These occur when the molten plastic does not flow smoothly or cools unevenly during the injection process. The uneven flow leads to a mismatch in the surface appearance, which is particularly noticeable on parts requiring high aesthetic quality.

Common Causes of Flow Marks

Several factors can lead to the formation of flow marks, many of which are tied to process variables like temperature and pressure, as well as mold design. Flow marks are commonly caused by:




Slow Injection Speed If the plastic flows too slowly, it doesn't maintain a uniform flow front, leading to surface irregularities. When the injection speed is low, the material cools prematurely before completely filling the mold cavity.
Low Mold Temperature Low mold temperature leads to rapid solidification of the plastic on the surface, causing a mismatch between the cooled material and the molten plastic underneath.
Poor Mold Design Narrow gates, poorly designed venting, or uneven wall thicknesses can restrict the flow of molten plastic, causing it to slow down and create visible lines.
Poor Melt Flow High-viscosity plastics, such as polycarbonate (PC), have difficulty flowing uniformly, especially if they cool down too quickly upon entering the mold.

In terms of material science, flow marks are exacerbated by poor heat transfer between the mold walls and the molten material. Materials with lower thermal conductivity (e.g., thermoplastics like polypropylene) are more prone to cooling inconsistencies.

Solutions for Flow Marks

  • Increase Injection Speed: By increasing the injection speed, you can ensure the molten plastic flows quickly into the mold, reducing the likelihood of surface imperfections. Studies suggest that an injection speed of around 10-20 mm/s is ideal for most polymers, but this varies depending on the material used.

  • Raise Mold Temperature: Keeping the mold at a higher temperature prevents the plastic from cooling too quickly. A mold temperature of 50°C to 80°C is generally recommended for materials like ABS and polypropylene to maintain smooth flow. Increasing the mold temperature can also improve the crystallinity of some materials, resulting in a more uniform finish.

  • Improve Mold Design: Rounder gates and well-designed runners reduce flow resistance, allowing the plastic to enter the mold cavity more evenly. For example, using fan-shaped gates distributes the plastic flow evenly, reducing the formation of marks.

  • Optimize Injection Pressure: Increasing back pressure to around 0.5 to 1.0 MPa can significantly improve the melt's flow stability. Holding pressure should also be optimized to ensure that the cavity is filled properly without overpacking, which could lead to warping.

Jetting Marks


Jetting marks are characterized by small, irregular streaks or marks on the surface of the molded part, caused by molten plastic "shooting" through the mold cavity at high speeds. This occurs when the material enters the cavity too quickly, without enough time to spread evenly, leading to turbulent flow. Jetting marks often appear in areas near the gate or on parts with deep cavities.

Common Causes of Jetting Marks

Cause Description
Poor Gate-to-Wall Transition Sharp transitions between the gate and the cavity wall create turbulence, leading to jetting. Ideally, the transition should be smooth to avoid flow disruptions.
Small Gate Size When the gate size is too small, the plastic experiences high shear rates, resulting in stress marks. The optimal gate size should be calculated based on the flow rate and viscosity of the material.
Excessive Injection Speed High speed exacerbates jetting by creating turbulence within the mold cavity. Typically, injection speeds should be reduced for highly viscous materials like PVC or polycarbonate.
Low Mold Temperature If the mold temperature is too low, the plastic cools down quickly, preventing it from flowing smoothly. For example, maintaining a mold temperature between 60°C to 90°C is crucial for materials like polyethylene.

Solutions for Jetting Marks

  • Adjust Gate Design: Gates should have a rounded or gradual transition to prevent sharp angles that can cause jetting. Studies show that rounded gates can reduce the risk of turbulence by up to 30%.

  • Increase Gate Size: Larger gates allow the plastic to flow more smoothly, reducing shear stress. Gate sizes should be calculated based on the material's viscosity and flow requirements, typically around 2-5 mm for standard materials.

  • Slow Down Injection Speed: Reducing the speed of injection minimizes the risk of turbulence. A graded speed profile, starting slow, increasing, and then slowing down again, helps reduce jetting.

  • Raise Mold Temperature: Increasing the mold temperature allows the plastic to flow more evenly before solidifying. A higher mold temperature of 80°C to 120°C can prevent early solidification, reducing jetting.

Weld Lines


Weld lines, also known as knit lines, occur when two separate fronts of molten plastic meet and fail to fuse completely. This results in a visible seam or line on the surface of the part, which can weaken its structural integrity. Weld lines are often found in parts with complex geometries where the plastic flow is divided by obstacles such as pins or holes.

Common Causes of Weld Lines

Cause Description
Obstacles in the Mold Pins, holes, or other mold features can cause the plastic to flow in different directions, creating weld lines when the flow fronts meet.
Poor Bonding If the temperature or pressure is too low, the flow fronts don’t fuse together properly, resulting in weak bonding and visible lines.

Research has shown that the mechanical strength at weld lines can be reduced by up to 50%, making it a critical defect to address, especially in load-bearing parts.

Solutions for Weld Lines

  • Modify Part Design: Designing the part to minimize flow interruptions helps avoid weld lines. Using rounded or streamlined geometries where possible can reduce flow front separation.

  • Optimize Gate Placement: Placing gates to ensure even plastic flow and avoid divided flow fronts can reduce weld line formation. In cases where multiple gates are necessary, positioning them symmetrically can help reduce the likelihood of weld lines.

  • Increase Temperature and Pressure: Higher melt temperatures (up to 250°C for materials like nylon) and sufficient holding pressure (0.7 to 1.2 MPa) give the flow fronts more time to bond properly, improving both the appearance and strength of the weld line.

Other Common Injection Molding Defects

Sink Marks

Sink marks occur as small depressions on the surface of a molded part, typically in thicker areas. They are caused by uneven cooling and shrinkage as the material cools from the outside in. Thicker sections solidify more slowly, leading to a shrinkage void underneath the surface.

Cause Solution
Insufficient Cooling Time Increase cooling time to allow even solidification throughout the part.
Thick Part Sections Redesign the part to minimize thickness variations or use ribs for support.

In general, reducing part thickness to below 4 mm and using a cooling time of around 30-50 seconds depending on the material can help prevent sink marks.

Vacuum Voids

Vacuum voids are small air pockets that form within the molded part. These are caused by trapped air during the injection process, or by uneven cooling that creates areas of low pressure.

Cause Solution
Improper Mold Alignment Ensure mold halves are properly aligned to avoid air pockets forming.
Uneven Solidification Improve cooling system design to ensure uniform solidification throughout.

Short Shots

A short shot occurs when the molten plastic fails to completely fill the mold cavity, resulting in incomplete parts. This can be caused by insufficient material supply or improper machine settings.

Cause Solution
Insufficient Material Supply Increase shot volume to ensure the mold is filled completely.
Improper Mold Setup Calibrate the machine settings to ensure the cavity is completely filled.

Process Optimization for Injection Molding

Injection Pressure Adjustments

Optimal injection pressure ensures that the plastic fills the mold cavity completely and uniformly. Increasing the back pressure helps push the molten material through the runner system more evenly, while the holding pressure ensures the part is fully filled and compacted before cooling.

Injection Pressure Adjustments (Continued)

Typical back pressure for thermoplastics ranges from 0.5 to 1.5 MPa, and holding pressures should generally be around 50% to 70% of the injection pressure. These adjustments ensure that the part is fully compacted, reducing the likelihood of defects such as voids or sink marks.

Temperature Control

Precise temperature control is vital to ensuring the quality of injection-molded parts. The barrel should be divided into heating zones, with temperatures increasing gradually from the rear to the front. For example, in the case of polypropylene, the rear zone might be set at 180°C, while the nozzle reaches up to 240°C. The mold temperature should also be adjusted based on the material’s thermal properties to prevent premature solidification, which can lead to defects like flow marks or jetting.

Gate and Runner Design

The design of gates and runners plays a critical role in controlling the flow of molten plastic into the mold. Circular cross-sections are generally preferred for gates and runners, as they provide better flow dynamics. Using larger cold slug wells at the end of runners helps capture any non-homogeneous material before it reaches the cavity, further preventing flow defects.

Cooling System Design

A well-designed cooling system is essential to avoid common defects such as warping, sink marks, and voids. For instance, using conformal cooling channels that follow the contours of the mold helps ensure even cooling across the part, reducing the chance of differential cooling that can cause warping. Parts with complex geometries or thick walls may require extended cooling times, sometimes up to 60 seconds, depending on the material.


Insufficient venting can trap gases inside the mold, causing air pockets or voids to form, leading to defects like flow lines or poor surface finish. Properly venting each section of the mold cavity, particularly near the gates and along the flow paths, allows trapped air to escape. Vent channels should be narrow enough to avoid flash but wide enough to allow air and gases to escape effectively. A typical vent depth for most materials is around 0.02 to 0.05 mm.


Mastering the injection molding process requires careful consideration of multiple variables, including temperature, pressure, mold design, and material flow. Even slight deviations from optimal settings can result in defects that compromise the quality of the final product, leading to inefficiencies, waste, and higher production costs.

By working closely with experienced manufacturers and leveraging the latest technologies in injection molding, companies can ensure that their parts meet the highest standards, both in terms of aesthetics and functionality.

A seasoned plastic injection molding company that anticipates and prevents defects right from the beginning. Our quality control measures are integrated throughout the entire process—starting from the design phase, continuing through production, and extending to the packaging and delivery of your final product. With decades of expertise in plastic manufacturing, our team collaborates with you to refine not only the molding process and mold design, but also the product itself, ensuring it maintains form, fit, and function while minimizing the risk of defects. Say goodbye to injection molding issues by partnering with TEAM MFG for precision injection molding solutions. Reach out to us today for more details.


How can I prevent flow lines in injection molding?

To prevent flow lines, consider repositioning mold gates to ensure even cooling and proper material flow. Increasing nozzle diameter can also help improve flow rates, preventing premature cooling and flow disruptions.

What is the difference between flow lines and weld lines?

Flow lines manifest as wavy patterns on the surface caused by uneven cooling and flow, while weld lines form at the intersection of two or more molten plastic flows that fail to fuse properly, often resulting in a visible seam.

How can I optimize mold cooling?

Using conformal cooling channels that follow the mold's geometry ensures even cooling. Adjusting the cooling time and using efficient coolant circulation systems can also prevent defects related to uneven cooling, such as sink marks or warping.

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