Lathe Cutting Tools - Material Types and Maintenance Tips

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CNC Lathes can work in different ways. You can function the lathe-cutting tools from the right or left direction. Using a proper lathe tool is essential for your production success. Maintaining them well is also necessary to keep these cutting lathe tools working without issues. We will dive into various lathe cutting tools based on material types. Also, learn how to maintain them.

Lathe Cutting Tools Based on Material Types

Cutting tools for a lathe come in different material types. Each material type will be suitable for use in varied industrial applications. One can be more expensive than others, making them less available in most CNC machining operations. Here are the cutting tools for a lathe based on material types:


• Diamond

Diamond lathe tools have very durable characteristics, and these tools are expensive. You can use diamond lathe tools for high-profile industrial applications. Diamond tools can slash through almost any material with a high hardness level. Operating diamond lathe-cutting tools requires hefty expenses. So, you can't find the diamond lathe tools in most regular CNC operations. Diamond tools also offer high precision and accuracy, with the best cutting performance.

• Lathe Cutting Tools in Ceramic

Ceramics can also be the ideal lathe-cutting tool for many industrial manufacturing operations. First, ceramics are resistant to regular wear and tear. Second, ceramics are also very durable and resistant to extremely high temperatures. It's an excellent lathe-cutting tool to machine high-strength materials, such as titanium. You will benefit from its long-term use and minimum tool replacements.

• Cubic Boron Nitride

Below the quality of diamond lathe tools sits the cubic boron nitride. Cubic boron nitride gives a high-quality and high-precision machining process thanks to its tool strength. It's perfect for machining high-strength material workpieces. Also, cubic boron nitride works well in heated applications. Its durability factor can minimize the need to change the lathe-cutting tools during high-production runs.

• Lathe Cutting Tools in HSS

HSS (High-Speed Steel) is the lathe-cutting tools that fit best for everyday or regular machining. It works well in up to 5000-degree Celcius operations with medium-hard material workpieces. The drawback of HSS is that you need to change the lathe-cutting tools often. You can use HSS in most machining operations nowadays. This tool is the best choice for low to medium-budget CNC operations.

• Lathe Cutting Tools in Carbide (Metal Carbon)

Carbide lathe-cutting tools are one step ahead of HSS tools in everyday performance. The primary carbide material in these cutting tools is customizable based on your manufacturing needs. You can still add different material elements to enhance its strength and other qualities. Compared to HSS, carbide can work on higher-strength materials with no problem. Also, it has a lower intensity of tool changes.

Maintaining Lathe Cutting Tools Properly

The lathe-cutting tools won't work as intended without proper maintenance. So, keeping the lathe tools in good shape is essential to your production success. Regular maintenance of lathe-cutting tools can preserve their performance at high standards. Follow these tips:


• Use Appropriate Lathe Cutting Tools for Suitable Workpiece Materials

Not all lathe tools will be suitable for all material workpiece types. Some lathe-cutting tools will only be suited for medium-hardness to low-hardness material workpieces. High-hardness workpiece materials will require highly durable lathe tools to do the job. Don't force low-durability tools to work on high-strength materials. It will only break the lathe-cutting tools.

• Sharpen the Lathe Cutting Tools with a Bench Grinder

Inspect the lathe tools and see if they have become too blunt for the job. A bench grinder can help sharpen the dull lathe-cutting tools you have. Use proper grinding techniques. You can only do this when there is no damage to the tool's body. Sharpening the lathe-cutting tools can lengthen the tool's lifecycle.

• Cleanliness of the Lathe Tools

Clean the lathe-cutting tools before operating them. Remove dirt, debris, and grease from the tools by using cleaners. Performing a thorough cleaning procedure before and after CNC operation is a must. It can help keep the lathe-cutting tools working well throughout the production runs. It can also keep the lathe-cutting tools sharp and precise.

• Lubricate the Lathe Cutting Tools

Adding lubricants to the lathe-cutting tools can also help smoothen the machining process. It's best to do this after cleaning the lathe-cutting tools. Do this before performing your next CNC operation. Always use high-quality oils to perform this procedure to get the best result.

• Inspect Any Instances of Cracking

Cracking in the lathe-cutting tools is always bad news. Cracking can cause further damage and even destroy the cutting tools during CNC operations. It will disturb the entire machining operation if you don't inspect the tools. Always inspect the lathe-cutting tools for any instances of cracking before operating them. Bad cracking means the tool is no longer usable.

Precautions to Keep in Mind

• Set the CNC Machine Configuration

The way you use CNC lathe tools will depend on the machine configuration you set. A proper setup will help you run a smoother cutting and turning process. It will keep the lathe tools in good standing during long production runs.

• Cutting Too Fast Will Only Break the Lathe Cutting Tools

Setting the cutting speed too fast can break the lathe-cutting tools during operation. Weak lathe-cutting tools can't handle fast-cutting speed. The tools might break during fast-cutting operations, even when you use medium-strength materials. It's always best to test the cutting speed before operations. You also need to adjust it based on the lathe-cutting tool's durability.

• Slow Cutting Will Create Intense Heat

Slow cutting speed can also be detrimental to the lathe-cutting tools you use. It can create intense heat around the tool, which can cause internal damage. Slow cutting will also prevent your lathe-cutting tools from getting clean and accurate cuts. Always avoid a slow-cutting CNC lathe operation.


Various cutting tools for a lathe are available for different industrial applications. The more durable the lathe-cutting tool, the more expensive and valuable it will be. Use only lathe-cutting tools appropriate for your manufacturing projects. Always take some precautions when using these tools to avoid damaging them.

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