What are the advantages of low-volume manufacturing?

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In our daily lives, we can test products and markets through small-batch manufacturing methods. This is also a feasible way to get products to market quickly while allowing you to quickly respond to design changes and shorten the manufacturing cycle time. So what are the advantages of low-volume manufacturing? Let's take a look together next.

The following is a list of contents:

Low volume manufacturing saves your cost

Low volume manufacturing fast to market

Low volume manufacturing allows design flexibility

Low volume manufacturing bridge production options

Low volume manufacturing saves your cost

Most people think that if you want to make parts cheaper, you should manufacture larger quantities. If the order volume increases, it is obvious that the unit manufacturing cost will decrease. But in fact, can you save your costs by ordering more parts? It's not true. For mass production-especially injection molding and die casting, you have to invest a lot of money in molds. Durable steel can withstand the rigors of mass production. At the same time, when a factory has established a large inventory of raw materials for materials and production lines, they usually ask you to place a large MOQ order, but you currently only need hundreds of low-volume manufacturing products. In the long run, your project is constrained by a shortage of cash flow.

Low volume manufacturing fast to market

With the demand for continuous innovation, technological changes are also increasing. Creating a new design or modifying an existing design in a short period does put tremendous pressure on product developers. Whether low-volume manufacturing enters the market first or enters the market later may be the key to success or failure. This is your ideal way to get enough sales without creating an unsustainable inventory burden. Due to the small demand, we can produce your parts in low volume manufacturing in a few days instead of weeks or months.

Low volume manufacturing allows design flexibility

Low volume manufacturing allows you to make changes to your products and make the best ideal products to seize market share.

Low volume manufacturing bridge production options

Low volume manufacturing verifies the design and solves the possible defects in the new product, thus avoiding any risks before mass production.

TEAM MFG is a rapid manufacturing company focusing on ODM and OEM, started in 2015. We provide a series of rapid manufacturing services such as rapid prototyping services, CNC machining services, injection molding services, and die-casting services to help designers and customers with low-volume manufacturing needs.

In the past 10 years, we have helped more than 1,000 customers successfully bring their products to the market. As our professional service and 99%, accurate delivery makes us the most favored in the customer list. The above is the relevant content about the advantages of low-volume manufacturing. If you are interested in low volume manufacturing, please contact us and we will provide you with related services. Our website is https://www.team-mfg.com/. You are very welcome and we hope to cooperate with you.

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TEAM MFG is a rapid manufacturing company who specializes in ODM and OEM starts in 2015.

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