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Injection Molding Per Unit

It can be very confusing to determine the cost of a part when working with a manufacturer. Various factors, such as the type of material used, the amount of labor required, and the complexity of the project, can all affect the cost per part.The exact cost of a part can be determined by the requirements of the manufacturer and the type of material used to make it. However, this figure can also be affected by factors related to the amount of labor required.

Injection Molding Cost Per Unit Breaking Down

It can be very confusing to determine the cost of a part when working with a manufacturer. Various factors, such as the type of material used, the amount of labor required, and the complexity of the project, can all affect the cost per part.The exact cost of a part can be determined by the requirements of the manufacturer and the type of material used to make it. However, this figure can also be affected by factors related to the amount of labor required.

Plastic Injection Mold Cost

Before working with a plastic injection mold, it is important to establish the price for the mold. This will help determine the complexity of the part and its overall cost.If the part only requires a small mold, then you may want to consider investing in a multi-cavity tool.If your product only requires a single cavity injection mold, you may want to consider spending less than a multi-cavity tool.

Cost of Plastic Injection Molding Material

Depending on the resin used, the price may vary.If your part requires an engineering resin, such as styrene, it will cost a few cents more than a commodity resin.For instance, resins made from recycled plastics are more cost-effective than those that come from virgin materials.

Injection Molding Labor Cost

One of the main advantages of plastic injection molding is its low labor cost. However, some of the factors that can also contribute to the cost of plastic injection are the automated nature of the process and the complexity of the project.However, some of the key elements that may factor into labor costs include:


Some companies may choose to work with offshore injection facilities due to the low labor costs.

Type of Equipment

Depending on the type of machine used, the maintenance level of the hydraulic unit will vary.

Additional Services

If you need to develop a prototype for a part, or require the assistance of a manufacturer, this can increase the cost of labor.

To discover more about the ins and outs of injection molding labor, read our blog, Is Plastic Injection Molding the Right Process For You?

Machine Time Required

The time needed to complete an order can also affect the profitability of a manufacturer. Numerous factors can also affect the cycle time of a injection molding machine.Several factors can influence the amount of time a machine needs to complete an order, some of which include:

Part Complexity:

If a part has an intricate geometry or dense wall thickness, it will increase the time needed to produce it.

Type of Mold:

A multi-part mold might cost more upfront, but the parts made per cycle will reduce time and cost over block molds.

Setup Time:

The time it takes to mount the mold into the machine and pre-cycle/calibrate the process can increase the cost per part.

Contact TEAM MFG

This article aims to help answer some of the questions that you might have regarding the cost of injection molding.With over 10 years of experience, TEAM MFG has the knowledge to provide a fair and detailed quote. Feel free to contact us to get a quote.


TEAM MFG is a rapid manufacturing company who specializes in ODM and OEM starts in 2015.

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