Purpose, Precautions, and Types of CNC Coolant in Manufacturing

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Like any other electricity-powered equipment, CNC machines must operate at a safe temperature to keep them working at their best. Using CNC coolants is essential to keep the machining equipment at a lower temperature during high-intensity machining tasks. It can prevent overheating and deliver various other benefits, such as lubrication and prevention against corrosion.

The Purpose of Using CNC Coolant

As the equipment that often operates at high temperatures, CNC machining need a reliable cooling system to maintain their regular working temperature. CNC coolants work as the cooling system required by CNC equipment to ensure a proper working function of the CNC machines during their rapid manufacturing operations. Here's the purpose of using CNC coolant:

• CNC Coolant Can Prevent Machine and Workpiece Area Overheating. 

Overheating can mess up the whole CNC operating system, which can mess up the programmed commands and the hardware you use for manufacturing operations. You can prevent overheating in the CNC equipment and the workpiece area by applying CNC coolant. Maintaining a healthy temperature around the workpiece area can also prevent deformations on the material workpiece due to overheating.

• Prevent Equipment Failures. 

Applying the CNC coolant will also help prevent the failures of CNC equipment during use. The high-temperature CNC machining equipment can bring too much heat to each CNC component, making it unable to work as it should. Keeping an extremely high temperature on the CNC parts can also damage both the hardware and computational aspects of the CNC machine.

• Prevent Reduced Performance in CNC Operations. 

High temperatures can do more harm than good for your CNC machining operations. Applying the CNC coolant from time to time during high-speed and high-intensity operations can help lower the temperature of the equipment. This way, you can also keep a high level of performance for the overall CNC equipment.

• CNC Coolant Can Maintain Proper Tool Usage. 

For CNC applications, having working cutting tools will be essential to the success of your manufacturing project. You can't let the CNC cutting or milling tools get damaged during operations due to poor maintenance or extreme heat. For this purpose, CNC coolant can help maintain proper tool usage in CNC equipment with its cooling and cleaning properties.

• Lubricate the Machining Components. 

CNC coolant is also suitable for lubricating various machining components, making it easier for these components to perform the cutting and other CNC operations. You can apply the CNC coolant around the machining cutters, chips, and other parts of the CNC equipment. Aside from that, water-based coolants can also work to clean up the material workpiece from any debris during CNC applications.


• Prevent the Tools and CNC Components from Rusting. 

Rust and corrosion can creep up the cutting tools and CNC components if you don't perform proper maintenance. Applying the CNC coolant on the machining equipment can help prevent the cutting tools and CNC components from developing rust during everyday use. Rust and corrosion can disturb the regular work of the CNC equipment, so coolant is an excellent solution to keep the equipment running smoothly.

• CNC Coolant Can Prevent Deformations of Material Workpiece. 

There's a possibility of deformation for the material workpiece when you expose it to overheating temperatures without cooling the workpiece area down. CNC coolant can keep the workpiece material at a low temperature to avoid damaging it during heated machining operations.

Precautions Before Using CNC Coolant

As an essential element in your CNC machining operations, you must always take extreme precautions before using the machining coolant. Here are some precautions to keep in mind before using CNC coolant:

• Understand the Various Types of CNC Coolant. 

CNC coolant has various types, categorized into water-based and non-water-based CNC cooling solutions. Each type has its benefits and disadvantages, and they can affect how CNC machines operate. Always know how to use the coolant and the advantages it can bring to your manufacturing operation.

• Best Time to Change the CNC Coolant. 

The best time to change the coolant for your CNC machines is once every 6 to 12 months. It will also depend on the usage intensity. Always change the CNC coolant when it starts to wear off and lose its usage effectiveness. It is always best to use CNC coolant only from quality brands or manufacturers.

• Best Time to Use CNC Coolant. 

The best time to use CNC coolant is when running high-intensity and high-temperature CNC operations. Using the CNC coolant at high-intensity operations can keep the machine temperature low. CNC coolant can help smoothen the cutting or milling operations when used at low-intensity operations.

CNC Coolant Types

Some CNC coolant types are available for various CNC machining equipment with different primary functions. Here are the types of CNC coolant for CNC machining equipment:

• CNC Coolant - Soluble oils. 

Soluble oils carry the oil-based solution containing mineral oil and emulsion that you can mix with water in its application. Combining the soluble oils with water gives you improved heat transfer properties. The soluble-oil CNC coolant comprises the base mineral oil mixed with emulsion components.

• Straight oils. 

The straight-oil coolant for CNC machines comprises the base mineral oil mixed with petroleum components. It works best as a lubricant instead of a cooling agent. Additional elements, such as vegetable fats, also get added to straight-oil CNC coolant to improve its lubricating features.


• CNC Coolant - Synthetic fluids. 

You can use synthetic-fluid CNC coolant to help prevent any rusting on the machining equipment, tooling, and workpiece. Made from inorganic or organic alkaline materials, you can apply this machine coolant to maintain the best working equipment for your CNC machining operations. It can provide you with a robust cooling property for high-intensity CNC applications.

• Semi-synthetic fluids. 

For the regular cooling solution, semi-synthetic fluids can be the best option. It combines soluble oils with synthetic fluids to provide a superior heat-dissipation feature for CNC machines.


Use the proper coolant for the CNC machines you operate daily, as it can help maintain its operating temperature at a lower level. Also, it's best to use different types of coolant based on the goal you would like to achieve with them. You can use different coolants to lubricate the CNC machining tools and material workpieces, aside from just lowering the temperatures.

TEAM MFG invests lots of CNC machines to meet your rapid prototyping, low volume manufacturing, and mass prodcution needs. Contact our team today to request a free quote now!

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